Monday, January 8, 2018

House - Official Terraria Wiki


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A House (or Home) is a structure built by the player that Town NPCs require in order to spawn, with one House required per NPC. A structure must meet several requirements in order to function as a House (see details below). You can check if a structure meets the requirements by using the Housing Menu's top button, labeled with a question mark ("?"). NPCs generally retreat to their Houses at night and remain in them until dawn. They will also retreat to their houses during a Solar Eclipse or Rain.

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The Guide will appear upon starting a new world, and if killed, will require a House in order to respawn. The Old Man, the Traveling Merchant, and the Skeleton Merchant do not require Houses.

Somewhat like the Guide, the Angler, Goblin Tinkerer, Mechanic, Stylist, Wizard, and Tavernkeep will each make their initial appearances regardless of available housing. Once initially found, each will require a House in order to respawn subsequently.

Certain naturally-generated structures can serve as Houses and may inadvertently attract NPCs if players have placed light sources within them. These can include Living Tree treasure rooms and Floating Island structures. NPCs can be moved from these to the player's structures using the Housing Menu.

The menu for managing the placement of NPCs, accessed through clicking the small house icon above the armor slots.

The Housing menu allows you to check whether the houses you have built are suitable for use or not, as well as to manually appoint a house for a specific NPC. To access this menu, click on the house icon in your inventory. There is no housing menu on the Mobile version, making it impossible to choose a house for your NPC, since any NPC can choose any house. However, you can always see their banners.

To check whether a house is suitable for use, click on the "?" housing query mark and then click anywhere inside the house; you will receive a message indicating whether the house is suitable or not. If it is not suitable, you can check the house requirements further down this page to see what the house may be lacking.

Once a house is determined to be suitable, you may assign an NPC to it by placing the corresponding NPC Flag in it. Note that only the flags of NPCs whose spawn conditions you have already met will appear. For example, when you first enter a new world, only the Guide's NPC Flag is shown. NPC Flags for other NPCs will only be shown when you meet each of their spawn conditions. On the Desktop version, NPC Flags have two different appearances: solid red and red with a golden frame. NPCs that move in by their own will have a regular red flag. If they are assigned to a house, the banner will have a golden frame. This indicates that if the NPC currently inhabiting the home were to die, the replacement for that NPC would move into that specified home. Due to this, a golden NPC flag will not disappear unless the home it is in is destroyed or the NPC is reassigned.

When you first meet the spawn conditions for an NPC, a random house will be assigned to them from your available empty suitable houses.

A house must be fully enclosed:

  • The side walls (vertical blocks) can be made of blocks, Doors, Platforms or Tall Gates.

  • The floor and ceiling (horizontal blocks) can be made of blocks, Trap Doors or Platforms. The whole floor cannot be made of platforms.

  • The NPC needs at least one solid (non-platform) block to stand on at night ( and a 2x3 area unobstructed by foreground blocks). These blocks may not be directly adjacent to either of the 2 side walls of the house.

Entrance Edit

A house must have at least one entrance, which can be a Door or Tall Gate in a side wall, a Trap Door in the ceiling or floor, a Platform in the ceiling, floor, or side walls.

Including the frame (floor, side walls, and ceiling), a House must have at least 60 total tiles, but less than 750.

Therefore, a House's outer frame must meet one of the following minimum dimensional requirements:

  1. ↑ Only possible when using a Work Bench instead of a table.

  2. ↑ Only possible when using platforms as a ceiling. No longer possible on Desktop.

A house must have a background wall in order to be suitable. Any walls crafted or mined by the player are valid.

  • Walls not placed by a player (such as naturally-occurring dirt walls) do not count, with the exception of Disc Walls in Floating Islands, the Planked Walls found in Underground Cabins, the Living Wood Walls in Living Tree rooms, or the Sandstone Brick Walls found in Pyramid structures. Dirt walls placed by the player do work.

  • Background walls may contain holes if the holes are no taller or wider than four tiles. (e.g. 4 background tiles across or tall, so the maximum size allowed is 4x4, 16 tiles in total.). Walls may have multiple holes as long as they are separated by at least a single tile of background walls.

    • Having background holes may sometimes allow enemies to spawn within the House. To create windows more safely, place sections of Glass Wall instead.

A House must have at least one valid Light Source, Flat Surface item, and Comfort item placed within it. The items listed below will fulfill these requirements.

  • Not every item that provides light will fulfill a House's light source requirement; in particular, no "foreground blocks", platforms, or walls qualify. You must use one of the furniture items listed below.

  • Any type of each item listed below will fulfill the requirement. For example, any color Torch will work, as will any theme of Chairs.

If a House is located near Corruption or Crimson, it may become uninhabitable. If these spread near an occupied House, the NPC living there may move out and wander the area until a new House becomes available.

A House is considered corrupted based on its "Corruption/Crimson rating," which calculates all tiles in a 45-block "radius" around the house; a house's Corruption/Crimson rating must be 250 or less. This is about half the blocks in the radius.

  • Each tile of Ebonstone/Crimstone, Ebonsand/Crimsand, and Corrupted/Crimson vines/plants increases a House's Corruption/Crimson rating by 1.

  • Each tile of Hallowed grass, Pearlsand, and Hallowed vines/plants reduces the rating by 1.

  • Each Sunflower reduces a House's Corruption Rating by 5.

Note that Pearlstone does not reduce the corruption rating.

Summary raw materials:

This works, but if you don't want house to be occupied by vines, replace dirt with wood, stone, or mud. While this is a simple option, it's susceptible to Corruption or Crimson.

  • Houses may be attached together and share common walls, floors, ceilings, and doors.

  • If a House with an assigned NPC is destroyed or any of its requirements are invalidated, the NPC will wander the area until a valid House becomes available again. If killed, the NPC will respawn once a valid house is restored.

  • An NPC will not spawn within its House if that House is on the visible screen at the time, and may walk around the area outside instead. Quitting and restarting in single-player mode will place the NPC in its house. At night, NPCs will be automatically placed inside their Houses if the player travels several screens away, or if the player uses a Magic Mirror, Teleporter, or Ice Mirror.

  • The side, top, and bottom of the world will not count as walls.

  • If a stone wall has been converted into Pearlstone Wall, the House will become invalid.

  • If building a house at a world's original spawn point, it is best to not place any foreground objects or blocks where characters appear. This will remove the object(s) and place them in the new player's inventory.

  • Actuators can be used with Brown, Grey, and Lihzahrd Pressure Plates to allow players entry but prevent enemies from entering or NPCs from leaving. Trap Doors can also be used, as neither enemies nor NPCs can open them. Desktop version After the 1.3.1 update, it is very useful and convenient to use a Player Sensor instead of pressure plates, as you will not only have much more ground space to use but you can also activate the Actuators or Trap Door from simply being in the proximity of them.

  • If absolutely necessary (e.g. on Mobile, where there's no housing menu), players can force an NPC into a particular house by destroying all the others.

  • Hardmode natural walls, such as Pearlstone and Ebonstone walls, do not count as valid walls.

  • The "Infinite House" exploit will always work on old-gen consoles (Xbox 360 & PS3), due to the fact that these consoles will not receive further updates to Terraria. [1]

  • 1.3.5: NPCs who are manually assigned to a room will have their successor attempt to move in when the original is killed.

  • 1.3.1: Removed the "Infinite House" glitch.

  • Living Leaf Walls can now be used as a background for houses.

  • Blue Slab Walls from the Dungeon are now detected as valid for Houses.

  • Opening doors will once again cause a room to be unsuitable, but only if two doors are opened into the same room. (Depends on size of room)

  • 1.2: Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable.

  • 1.1: There is now a Housing Menu (a built-in interface) for checking if a house is valid for being moved into, and for assigning NPCs to specific houses.

  • 1.0.6: Requirements modified; may now use a bed, toilet, throne or bench instead of a chair, and may use a dresser, bathtub or bookcase instead of a table or workbench.

Terraria Wiki

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